B. Alexandra Szerlip takes us through the really cool history of invisible ink at The Believer.
“Then, held in the tender heat of early summer, you begin to bleed and bleed and soon enough the idea of redemption shucks you of its husk.” Susanna Childress writes on naming the unborn here at The Rumpus.
Brianna Holt asks the important questions about equity in the field of legal cannabis at Wear Your Voice.
Ellen Ann Fentress reckons with the history of post-integration segregated schools in the South and the persistence of that identity and worldview at The Bitter Southerner.
Back at The Rumpus, Christina Yoseph writes on how deeply language is intertwined with heritage.
After fighting to establish an identity as a gay man during a time when there was no room for fluidity, Jim Farber admits to struggling with today’s more open ideas about gender and sexuality, over at Slate.
At Lit Hub, Gabrielle Bellot writes on pets in literature and our connection to animals throughout our lives.
Logo art by Max Winter.