Friday 7/12: Visit Women & Children First for a reading and book-signing celebrating All City by Alex DiFrancesco. For this event, Alex will be joined by M; Margo and Penelope Jeanne Brannen. 7 p.m., free.
Poetry off the Shelf continues at The Poetry Foundation with a reading and discussion on Chicago Modernism by Rachel Galvin and Daniel Borzutzky. 7 p.m., free.
Saturday 7/13: The Red Rover Reading Series presents Solidarity Forever / A Walking Poem. Featuring Claire Finch, MC Hyland, Christine Kanownik, Isaac George Lauritsen, Tarnynon Onumonu, and Zhou Sivan. Walk starts at 7:30 p.m. from The Lawrence House (1020 W Lawrence).
Shannon Watts reads from Fight Like a Mother: How a Grassroots Movement Took on the Gun Lobby and Why Women Will Change the World. Volumes Bookcafe, 7 p.m., free.
Wednesday 7/17: City Lit Books hosts its monthly Prose and Poetry and Potentially Other Things Open Mic Night. 6:30 p.m., free.
Thursday 7/18: Ocean Vuong discusses On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, in conversation with Emily Jungmin Yoon. Seminary Co-op, 6 p.m., free.
Women & Children First hosts an author talk, demonstration, and book signing with Janet O’Shea in celebration of her book, Risk, Failure, Play: What Dance Reveals about Martial Arts Training. 7 p.m., free.
Celebrate the release of the Hypertext Review Spring 2019 issue with readings by contributors. Volumes Bookcafe, 7 p.m., free.
If you have an event listing you’d like us to consider, please contact [email protected].
Logo art by Max Winter.