“It takes a village to silence a victim, and there are a lot of willing villagers.” Over at Lit Hub, Rebecca Solnit reflects on the structures that abet behavior like Jeffrey Epstein’s.
Jenny Boully follows her mother’s advice and gets a tattoo at the Paris Review.
“We all meet at the crossroads. In the smoky dark. In the cold. Anxious, tense-bodied, stiff-backed. Naked before death—unprotected from the lurking hands of grief. Hoping. Hoping. Hoping.” Here at The Rumpus, Tega Oghenechovwen cannot look away from death, because death is everywhere.
At Places Journal, Stacy Passmore covers the ways the West is looking to beavers for help in better water management.
At 3:AM Magazine, Nilanjana Bhowmick writes a tribute to the radical poetry of her father-in-law Nabarun Bhattacharya.
“Maybe there ought not be words for it, I thought. Maybe it is immoral to have the words for it, maybe having the words means belittling the essential horror of the thing.” At the New York Review of Books, Anna Badkhen writes on the devastations wrought by genocide in Mali.
Back at The Rumpus, Anna Leigh Knowles tries to manage the chaos of a school playground.
Logo art by Max Winter.