Sunday 7/28: Magical Story Time presents children’s books with a focus on inclusion and positive representation. Boneshaker Books, 11 a.m., free.
Monday 7/29: Join Oyinkan Braithwaite, author of My Sister the Serial Killer, for a conversation with Glory Edim, founder of Well-Read Black Girl. Moon Palace Books, 7 p.m., free.
Tuesday 7/30: Sumanth Gopinath presents Rethinking Reich, an examination of American contemporary composer Steve Reich. Moon Palace Books, 7 p.m., free.
Wednesday 7/31: This month’s Breaking Mics event will feature poet Danez Smith plus open mic slots. 7:30 p.m. (sign-up at 6:30 p.m.), Breaking Bread Cafe, free.
Thursday 8/1: Shalini Shankar presents Beeline: What Spelling Bees Reveal About Generation Z’s New Path to Success. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 7 p.m., free.
Friday 8/2: Trouble Child launches its literary magazine with visual art, readings, and live music. 2327 Pillsbury Ave., 8 p.m., $5.
Saturday 8/3: Public Art St. Paul presents the Aardvark in the Park festival, featuring poetry performances, arts activities, food, and music. Western Sculpture Park, noon, free.
And another thing: Cow Tipping Press takes an asset-based approach to teaching and publishing writers with developmental disabilities. Check out one of their book release and author reading events around the Twin Cities this week!
Please email any event listings you’d like to see to [email protected].
Notable Twin Cities logo designed by Tyler Barton.