Chas Gillespie has some thoughts for “thoughts and prayers” at McSweeney’s.
In a new column for The Rumpus, Leigh Hopkins navigates borders and pain and hope.
“The people I loved were getting married, having children, moving to other cities, going to funerals, working through the light and darkness of their own lives, and I was essentially the same thing I had been since the first moment I got high.” Chris Dennis spirals and experiences the opioid epidemic firsthand at the Paris Review.
At Guernica, Jen Ross writes on Linda Loaiza López who endured unthinkable brutality and came through with a brutal will to survive and seek justice.
Back at The Rumpus, Kyoko Mori finds and shares proof that cats can indeed be trained.
For The Walrus, Erika Thorkelson writes on an uneasy relationship with professional dress and how women are policed and chided for what they choose to wear.
Melissa Hung finds Chinatown a solace as she attempts to bridge two languages at Longreads.
Logo art by Max Winter.