Monday 8/12: JL Ruiz discusses and signs Irreversible Damage: The Katie Suarez Social Justice Series. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Paul Smedley discusses and signs Huntington Tracks. 7 p.m. at Vroman’s Bookstore.
Tuesday 8/13: Karmen Karma discusses and signs Overcome: A Memoir of Abuse, Addiction, Sex Work, and Recovery. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Leah Rachel discusses her new book, Love Street, in conversation with Alisha Rai. 7:30 p.m. at The Last Bookstore.
Billy Jensen launches his debut true crime book Chase Darkness with Me, with Karen Kilgariff. 7:30 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Celebrate Left Handers’ Day with an all left-handed poetry reading. Featuring poets Steve Abee, Iris Berry, Jerome Dunn, Alexis Rhone Fancher, S.A. Griffin, Armond Kinard, A. Razor, Terry Robinson, and Jeff Rogers. 8 p.m. at Beyond Baroque. $10/members free.
Wednesday 8/14: Susannah Rodriguez Drissi discusses and signs The Latin Poet’s Guide to the Cosmos. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Thursday 8/15: Lisa Lutz discusses and signs The Swallows. 7 p.m. at Vroman’s Bookstore.
Karen Olsson discusses her new novel, The Weil Conjectures, in conversation with Emily Bell. 7 p.m. at Chevalier’s Books.
Well-Read Literary Panel. Featuring Ryan O’Connell, Trish Bendix, Catie Disabato, and Aminah Mae Safi. 7 p.m. at Stories Books and Cafe.
Jia Tolentino discusses her debut book of essays Trick Mirror. 7:30 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Friday 8/16: Rachel Louise Snyder discusses and signs No Visible Bruises: What We Don’t Know about Domestic Violence Can Kill Us. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
A tribute night for Toni Morrison. With Jervey Tervalon, Michael Datcher, Lisa Teasley, Natashia Deon, Gary Phillips, and more. 7:30 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Saturday 8/17: Tupelo Hassman reads from her new book gods with a little g, with Jim Krusoe. 5 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Sunday 8/18: Michael Gregg Michaud discusses and signs Mae West: Broadcast Muse. 3 p.m. at Book Soup.
Keven Bellows discusses and signs Late Harvest. 3 p.m. at Diesel Bookstore.
Stephen Van Dyck discusses his memoir People I’ve Met from the Internet, with Matias Viegener. 5 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Salient Sunday Open Reading. Hosted by Radomir Luza and Patricia Murphy. 5 p.m. at Beyond Baroque.
Want your event listed in Notable Los Angeles? Email [email protected] with your event info and a brief description!
Logo art by Max Winter.