Thursday 9/12: Portland-based writer Liz Prato reads from her new collection Volcanoes, Palm Trees, & Privilege: Essays on Hawai’i, which explores colonialism, tourism, and destruction in the Hawaiian islands. She is joined in conversation by Jacqueline Keeler. Broadway Books, 7 p.m. Free.
Literary Arts presents the September installment of Slamlandia, a poetry open mic and slam that welcomes poets new and old to share their work. This months featured reader is Jane Belinda. Literary Arts, 7 p.m., free.
Printer and book artist Katherine Kuehn is a featured artist at Passages Bookshop, with a display of wall hangings featuring poems by Lorine Neidecker, Henry David Thoreau, and David Abel. Her prints are on display during normal shop hours through September 14th, or by appointment. Passages Bookshop & Gallery, 12-6 p.m. daily, free.
Black women and Black nonbinary people are invited to join the Well-Read Black Girl Book Club every second Thursday of the month. This month’s selection is An American Marriage by Tayari Jones. Powell’s City of Books, 7 p.m.
Saturday 9/14: Readings from Pacific Northwest writers Lindsey Boldt, Sara Jaffe, and Steve Orth, at Passages Bookshop, hosted by Sam Lohmann and David Abel. $5 suggestion donation, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Passages Bookshop & Gallery, 7 p.m., free.
Sunday 9/15: Grammy-winning music producer Ian Brennan reads from his new book Silenced by Sound: The Music Meritocracy Myth, which draws from personal experience to argue for the underlying inequality and lack of opportunity amongst up-and-coming musicians today. He is joined in conversation by Larry Crane, founder of Tape Op and owner of Jackpot! Recording Studio. Powell’s City of Books, 7:30 p.m., free.
Monday 9/16: Rose City Book Pub hosts Story Time for Grown Ups, a long-running storytelling series by David Loftus. This month, Story Time pays tribute to beloved children’s author Roald Dahl. Rose City Book Pub, 8 p.m., free.
Wednesday 9/18: Join The Immigrant Story (TIS) at the Beaverton City Library Auditorium for The Immigrant Story Live, a storytelling and musical event that will celebrates TIS storytellers and solidarity amongst immigrants, refugees, and US-born residents. Seating is limited to 150. Beaverton Auditorium, 7 p.m., free.
If you have an event listing you’d like us to consider, please write to [email protected].
Notable Portland logo art by Olivia Olivia.