“So what do you do when the thing you’ve always been taught is an expression of love becomes trapped in violence?” For Granta, Lucia Osborne-Crowley writes on safety, love, and intimacy in the wake of rape.
At Lit Hub, Victoria Blanco writes on resilience and the roots of resistance in borderland communities.
Sanae Yamada shares the comforts of growing up eating Japanese food, here at The Rumpus.
At Aeon, Rosalind Watts, Sam Gandy, and Alex Evans take a considered look at how the mind-expanding properties of psychedelics may spur deeper human connection to the planet and thus heighten our care of it.
For Real Life, Camilla Cannon writes on how our recorded service calls are being utilized.
“We twins get used, then, as moral-psychological props, philosophical thought experiments and pyschotherapeutic prompts just about every time we leave the house.” For The Point, Helena de Bres contemplates why twins fascinate us.
Logo art by Max Winter.