“An individual county’s overall vote for president tells us nothing—in isolation—about its political and economic history or its internal divisions. In the absence of context, fables are easy to generate and hard to kill.” At Dissent, Sarah Jones provides a nuanced take on the stories we choose to tell about far-flung rural areas and the people who live there.
Camille Jacobson contemplates shifts in motherhood through the lens of the kitchen over at The Missouri Review.
Claire Sicherman writes on the pain of a friendship that dies without warning, here at The Rumpus.
Saeed Jones shares the freeing nature of finding the path you want to take at his “The Intelligence of Honey” Substack.
At Slate, Maria Kuznetsova faces an ectopic pregnancy and a literary career that won’t birth properly over one frustrating summer.
Back at The Rumpus, K. Swallow reflects on how we navigate and remember difficult family relationships.
Logo art by Max Winter.