At Entropy, Constance Ann Fitzgerald deals with a mother who lies and brutalizes.
“For many children, you can draw a straight line between the trauma they experienced and the crime that put them behind bars. They’re not bad kids, they’re hurt ones.” At HuffPost, Melissa Jeltson catches up with Bresha Meadows, who received a lighter sentence for killing her abusive father but still faces a long road of healing ahead.
Here at The Rumpus, Ira Sukrungruang writes on being an internet goth and finding love and guidance in an online chat room for vampires.
“If we are not currently an authoritarian nation it’s thanks in part to the insubordinate spirit of a good deal of the American public and the underlying confidence behind this relative fearlessness.” Rebecca Solnit, our standard-bearer of hope, reviews the last one thousand days of our current administration at Lit Hub.
At Another Chicago Magazine, Monica Macansantos is hit by a car in New Zealand and finds herself fighting for her humanity to be seen.
Back at The Rumpus, Sady Doyle writes on who we decide to turn into monsters.
At r.kv.r.y quarterly, Julianne Clarke deals with a complicated relationship with her father.
Logo art by Max Winter.