Saturday 10/26: Elizabeth D. Herman, Celeste Sloman, Marisa Schwartz Taylor, and Beth Flynn discuss The Women of the 116th Congress, 6 p.m., free.
Zaina Alsous and Divya Victor join the Segue Series. Zinc Bar, 4:30 p..m, $5.
Monday 10/28: Jonathan Safran Foer presents We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast. Tishman Auditorium, 7 p.m., $10.
Peter McGough presents II’ve Seen the Future and I’m Not Going: The Art Scene and Downtown New York in the 1980s. McNally Jackson – SoHo, 7 p.m., free.
Susan Plunket presents Mission from Venus. Shakespeare & Co., 6:30 p.m., free.
Kathy Fagan and Lisa Richter join the Monday Night Poetry series. KGB, 7 p.m., free.
Natalie Eve Garrett presents Eat Joy: Stories & Comfort Food from 31 Celebrated Writers. Books Are Magic, 7:30 p.m., free.
Tuesday 10/29: Ross Kenneth Urken presents Another Mother and talks with Anna Ruth Henriques. Greenlight – Lefferts Gardens, 7:30 p.m., free.
Susana Aho, Liz Bowen, Oscar D’Artois, Genise Deal, Kenton deAngeli, and Janelle Poe celebrate the latest issue of The Bushwick Review. KGB, 7 p.m., free.
Thomas Chatterton Williams presents Self-Portrait in Black and White: Unlearning Race. McNally Jackson – SoHo, 7 p.m., free.
Andrea Long Chu presents Females with Dayna Tortorici. Community Bookstore, 7 p.m., free.
André Aciman presents Find Me. First Unitarian, 7 p.m., $32.96.
Wednesday 10/30: David Heatly and Liana Finck discuss Qualification: A Graphic Memoir in Twelve Steps. Powerhouse Arena, 7 p.m., free.
Alissa Quart and Celina Su join Belladonna for a night of poetry. Berl’s Poetry Shop, 7:30 p.m., free.
David Leo Rice and Patrick McGrath present Angel House. McNally Jackson – SoHo, 7 p.m., free.
Alex Dimitrov and Dorothea Lasky presents Astro Poets: Your Guides to the Zodiac. The Strand, 7 p.m., $15.
Thursday 10/31: Amanda Yates Garcia presents Initiated. Powerhouse Arena, 7 p.m., free.
Friday 11/1: Wanda Phipps, Val Vinokur, and Mark Statman read translations and original work. McNally Jackson – SoHo, 7 p.m., free.
Alex Dimitrov and Dorothea Lasky celebrate Astro Poets. Books Are Magic, 7:30 p.m., free.
If you have a listing you’d like us to consider, please contact [email protected]. In the subject line of the email, please include the event’s date and in the email, include a link to the event information. Deadline is Tuesday for publication on Saturday. For past events, visit the archives here.