At The Offing, Christina Simon examines blue eyes in popular culture, beauty status, and racial representation.
“Love, like revolution, requires a mutual, intentional suspension of disbelief.” Over at n+1, Elvia Wilk questions what role to play in the Hong Kong protests as an observer, visitor, and foreigner.
Here at The Rumpus, Delali Ayivor reflects on motherhood, mental health, and what we inherit from our parents.
Dani Fleischer battles the high pressures of academia and drug addiction at Longreads.
Jill Talbot meets her daughter halfway as she prepares to have a home without her, in her column for the Paris Review.
At the Chicago Reader, Mari Cohen looks at the struggles of Roosevelt Myles to overturn his wrongful conviction and finally restart his life.
Back at The Rumpus, Marissa Korbel writes ion seeing and knowing domestic abuse in a new installment of The Thread.
Logo art by Max Winter.