There’s a new writing podcast! Fierce Womxn Writing is designed to help writers “level up” their writing.
Expert host Sara Gallagher interviews one writer per episode about writing practice and process, and in every episode a writer reads, inspires, spills secrets and truths, recommends other writers, and gives a writing prompt to get listeners to write. It’s very good to listen to when you’re in the mood for a confidence boost and ready to put your pen to the page.
There have been five episodes so far:
- Grace Talusan, author of The Body Papers. (Grace talks high rejection rates, enjoying revision, and using a Critic Journal.)
- Me, author of my own breath. (I don’t remember what I talked about because I blacked out, as one must when one’s own voice is being recorded.)
- Nefertiti Austin, author of Motherhood So White: A Memoir of Race, Gender, and Parenting in America. (Nefertiti talks publication timeline, procrastination, and emotional peace—which I can’t wait to learn about.)
- Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, author of The Many Names for Mother. (Julia reads poems and reveals how parenting affects her writing practice.)
- Courtney Maum, author of Before and After the Book Deal. (Beloved Courtney reads the intro to her new book, which is required reading, and also explains how to fall in love with editing.)
Won’t you slide into the community conversation between episodes on Instagram, and have a listen to this wonderful new podcast?