Sunday 1/12: The Cinema Book Club will be discussing Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Moon Palace Books, 4 p.m., free.
Tuesday 1/14: Participants from the Loft’s yearlong Poetry Project, led by Danez Smith, will read from their projects. Loft Literary Center, 7 p.m., free.
Wednesday 1/15: Local writers Saara Myrene Raapana, Carter Meland, and Anni Liu will read from their work. Moon Palace Books, 7 p.m., free.
Poets Donna Isaac and Isadora Gruye will read from their work in celebration of Donna Isaac’s new chapbook, Persistence of Vision. SubText Books, 7 p.m., free.
Thursday 1/16: The Bridges Reading Series presents Anthony Ceballos, Carter Meland, Anuj Priyadarshi, Hannah Becraft, Chavonn Williams Shen, and Janelle Tabakov. Next Chapter Booksellers, 6:30 p.m., free.
Friday 1/17: Oglala Lakota poet Mark K. Tilsen presents It Ain’t Over Until We’re Smoking Cigars on the Drill Pad. Next Chapter Booksellers, 7 p.m., free.
Saturday 1/18: Coffee House Press’s current In the Stacks resident Miriam Karraker hosts an event featuring three different interactive activities on Nicollet Mall designed and facilitated by Judy Hollo Shui Xian, Stevie Ada Klaark, and Andy Sturdevant. Minneapolis Central Library, 1 p.m., free.
And another thing: Make your 2020 a little bit brighter and volunteer with some young writers through 826 MSP—check out these January volunteer orientation dates.
Please email any event listings you’d like to see to [email protected].
Notable Twin Cities logo designed by Tyler Barton.