From afar, Xinyan Yu assesses the toll the coronavirus is taking on Wuhan for the Atlantic.
“It is inconceivable to me that I could have worried about the digestibility of my experience. It was the other way around: I was fighting for it not to digest me.” At The Cut, Ingrid Rojas Contreras finds it impossible to turn lived trauma into titillating fiction.
Here at The Rumpus, Christopher Soto finds that sometimes you need to delete old memories to make way for new ones.
At The Bold Italic, Lisa Lee Herrick makes a lasting friendship with a Chinatown fixture.
“Boats, like books, are a means of transport. They allow us to travel and discover worlds whose existence we hadn’t suspected.” For the New York Review of Books, Martin Dumont navigates new waters by taking up sailing and naval architecture.
At Catapult, Patricia Fancher studies the forgotten women of computing and discovers we must build our own records when others attempt to forget us.
Back at The Rumpus, Jona Xhepa writes on the rooms we carry with us.
Logo art by Max Winter.