At The Rumpus, Laura Stanfill looks down the barrel of a gun in an abusive relationship and finds the voice to write about it many years later.
“Perhaps I was a little too brutal, telling myself to suck it up, get over it, but the thickening of the emotional calluses slowly warmed me towards my new body, helped me understand what it could and could not do.” Sophie Helf accepts a life with amputated legs, over at The New Inquiry.
At The Offing, Danny Thanh Nguyen learns about resilience from made-for-TV movies.
For Real Life, Jathan Sadowski explores the implications of monitoring technology that can give insurance companies more power over us than they already have.
At The Outline, Alex V Green lets us know that Canada is a scam, so stop trying to move there.
Back at The Rumpus, Sophia Shalmiyev explores how perceptions of alcoholics skew differently along the gender binary.
Jami Nakamura Lin loses her father during the hour of the ox and starts thinking about ghosts., over at Catapult.
Logo art by Max Winter.