(Events are being canceled or postponed ongoing. Please check with with an event venue for confirmation that an event is still on. And, if you’re not feeling well, stay home and rest—and order books from the writers you love to keep you company. – Ed.)
Tuesday 3/10: Shakespeare & Co. will host a discussion and book signing with Richard Cucarese, author of PUNKS. 6 p.m. at Shakespeare & Co. Rittenhouse.
Livin’ on Luck will present an evening of poetry featuring readings by Lisa N. Konigsberg, Talia Mingey, and Jonathon Todd, followed by an open mic. Hosted by Brooke Palma. 7 p.m. at Barnaby’s of West Chester.
Wednesday 3/11: One Book One Philadelphia will host a community dinner and discussion of Tommy Orange’s There There, featuring food from El Merkury, Poi Dog Philly, South Philly Barbacoa, and Chef Chris Paul. Free with online registration. 6 p.m. at Blanche A. Nixon/Cobbs Creek Library.
The E-Verse Equinox Reading Series will present poetry readings by Philadelphia Poet Laureate Trapeta Mayson, George David Clark, and James Arthur, followed by an open mic. Hosted by John Wall Barger and organized by Ernest Hilbert. 7 p.m. at Fergie’s Pub.
The Writers House at Rutgers University-Camden will host a publishing panel discussion featuring an agent, an editor, a publisher, and a bookseller. 7 p.m. at Rutgers University-Camden.
The Free Library will present a reading by James McBride from his new novel Deacon King Kong. 7:30 p.m. at Free Library of Philadelphia.
Thursday 3/12: The Free Library will present Rebecca Solnit, author of Recollections of My Nonexistence: A Memoir, in conversation with Jia Tolentino. 7:30 p.m. at Free Library of Philadelphia.
Friday 3/13: A Novel Idea on Passyunk will host the release event for Erin Moran’s debut poetry collection Five Years of Sea-Sickness. Featuring readings by Kaitlyn Buhrman, Rachel O’Hanlon-Rodriguez, Kailey Tedesco, and Erin Moran. 7 p.m. at A Novel Idea on Passyunk.
The Rutgers-Camden MFA Emerging Writers Series will present a poetry reading by Ahmad Almallah, as well as readings from students in their MFA program. 7 p.m. at Wooden Shoe Books and Records.
Saturday 3/14: The Mad Poets Society will present “Intersections: Where Poetry and Women Meet,” a panel discussion featuring Courtney K. Bambrick, Octavia McBride-Ahebee, and Amy Saul-Zerby, and moderated by Katch Campbell. $8 advance tickets, $10 at the door. 7:30 p.m. at Kelly Center for Music, Arts, and Community.
Sunday 3/15: Big Blue Marble Bookstore will host “In the Shadow of Others: Three Poets on What Helps Them Live and Work,” a discussion with Ahmad Almallah, Olga Livshin, and Jenna Le. 2 p.m. at Big Blue Marble Bookstore.
Catch up with the folks at Blue Stoop at the March edition of their monthly happy hour for Philadelphia writers. 5 p.m. at Win Win Coffee Bar.
Monday 3/16: The University of Pennsylvania Bookstore will host a reading by local author Ryan Downey from his debut novel Iron of the Sky. 6 p.m. at University of Pennsylvania Bookstore.
Shakespeare & Co. will host a book signing and discussion with Robert Trebot, author of The Haircut Who Would Be King: A Political Fable. 6:30 p.m. at Shakespeare & Co. Rittenhouse.
Uncle Bobbie’s Coffee & Books will host a book signing and discussion with Justin Driver, author of The Schoolhouse Gate: Public Education, the Supreme Court, and the Battle for the American Mind. 7 p.m. at Uncle Bobbie’s Coffee & Books.
Philly Recommended Reading: Each week we’ll recommend work by a local writer featured in Notable. This week, it’s two poems by Erin Moran (Recenter Press, March 2019). Enjoy!
If you have a Philadelphia event listing you’d like us to consider for Notable Philadelphia, please contact [email protected] as far in advance as possible, and include the date of the event in the subject line.
Logo art by Max Winter.