Independent Bookstore Day was postponed IRL, but stores are finding ways to celebrate virtually this week.
GoFundMe, the popular fundraising site many indie stores have turned to for cash during the pandemic, is causing problems for some shops looking to collect their money.
Although major businesses with tens of millions of dollars in revenue somehow qualified for small business loans, actual small businesses like the owner of Community Bookstore in Brooklyn still don’t know if they qualified for the money.
As Italy comes out of lockdown, bookstores are taking a cautious approach to reopening.
Iranian bookstores are starting to reopen, too.
The campus bookstore at the University of Louisville is turning to USPS for book rentals and buy backs, allowing students to mail in books.
Will the coronavirus lockdown be the end independent bookstores?
Publishers Weekly reports that February saw a slight gain in bookstore sales.
This New York City bookstore found a way around lockdown rules as a single-owner-employee business, but that doesn’t mean it business as usual.
Eslite, a bookstore chain in Taiwan, will designate a new twenty-four-hour store (after its previous all-night store closed).
A Chinese bookstore in Atlanta’s Chinatown—the only store of its kind in the American Southeast—is struggling for survival.
This 117-old bookstore in Santa Barbara remains open despite COVID-19.
A Boulder, Colorado bookstore is delivering mystery bags of books.
Brazilian bookstores are moving to home delivery models as the country battles COVID-19.
Time Out looks at the best online bookstores in Hong Kong.