Sunday 6/14: Liara Tamani presents All the Things We Never Knew with Brandy Colbert and Lilliam Rivera. Skylight Books via Zoom, 3 p.m. PDT, free with RSVP.
Monday 6/15: Stacy Abrams presents Our Time Is Now. Zoom, 7 p.m. EDT, book purchase required.
Zaina Arafat presents You Exist Too Much. The Center for Fiction via CrowdCast, 2 p.m. EDT, $10 suggested.
Cooper Lee Bombardier presents Pass with Care. Left Bank Books via Facebook, 7 p.m. CDT, free.
Michael Signer presents Cry Havoc: Charlottesville and American Democracy Under Siege. Harvard Bookstore via CrowdCast, 7 p.m. EDT, $3 suggested.
Zoë Hitzig, Rachel Eliza Griffiths, and Nick Flynn read from their latest collections. Greenlight via Zoom, 7:30 p.m. EDT, free.
Dan Peres presents As Needed for Pain: A Memoir of Addiction and talks with Dan Rodricks. The Ivy via Zoom, 6:30 p.m. EDT, free with RSVP.
Sharon Dolin presents her memoir, Hitchcock Blonde, in conversation with Jacki Lyden. McNally Jackson via Zoom, 7 p.m. EDT, free.
Corinne Manning, Carter Sickels, De’Shawn Charles Winslow, and Andrea Lawlor join together for a celebration of queer voices. Books Are Magic via Zoom, 7 p.m. EDT, free.
Meredith Talusan, Matt Ortile, Marcia Trahan, and Jessica Pearce Rotondi join host Lilly Dancyger for Memoir Monday, a nonfiction reading series from The Rumpus, Catapult, Narratively, Guernica, Longreads, and Granta. Zoom, 8 p.m. EDT, free with RSVP.
Tuesday 6/16: Roy G. Guzmán, Genevieve Hudson, and Wayétu Moore join host Brian Gresko for The Antibody series. Zoom and YouTube, 8 p.m. EDT, free with RSVP.
Columbia Journal presents “What Makes an Article Exceptional?,” a panel discussion featuring Marisa Siegel (The Rumpus editor-in-chief), James Marcus (former Harper’s editor), Geeta Kothari (nonfiction editor, Kenyon Review), Sari Botton (outgoing essays editor, Longreads), James Yeh (features editor, The Believer), and Lee Siegel (Columbia University). Moderated by Raad Rahman. Zoom, 3:30 p.m. EDT, free.
Emily Temple and Téa Obreht discuss The Lightness. Greenlight via Zoom, 7:30 p.m. EDT, free.
Tobly McSmith, Andrew Eliopulos, Dean Atta, and Ciara Smyth join moderator Sam Maggs to celebrate Epic Pride. Brookline Booksmith via Crowdcast, 4 p.m EDT, free.
Mary Morris presents All the Way to the Tigers. Harvard Bookstore via CrowdCast, 7 p.m. EDT, $3 suggested.
Bethany C. Morrow talks with Emily Henry about A Song Below Water. Vroman’s Bookstore via CrowdCast, 6 p.m. PDT, free with RSVP.
Jessica Pearce Rotondi presents What We Inherit with Sarah Blakley-Cartwright. City Lit via Zoom, 6:30 p.m. EDT, free with RSVP.
Ruth Christopher joins the Cobalt Poets reading series. Zoom, 7:30 p.m. PDT, free.
Nina Renata Aron talks with Julian Tepper for Lockdown Lit at Lunch. Facebook, 11 a.m. PDT, free.
Jennifer Rosner presents The Yellow Bird Sings with Kate Quinn. Facebook, 5:30 p.m. PDT, free.
Jake Skeets and Kyce Bello join the Further Notice Reading series. Zoom, 7 p.m. MDT, free.
Wednesday 6/17: Sharon Harrigan presents Half and talks with Leigh Camacho Rourks, author of Moon Trees and Other Orphans. Literati Books via Zoom, 7 p.m EDT, free with RSVP, donation suggested.
Christina Clancy presents The Second Home. Left Bank Books via Facebook, 7 p.m. CDT, free.
Natalie Jenner presents The Jane Austen Society. Facebook, 7 p.m. CDT, free.
Ilze Hugo, Chuck Wendig, and Lauren Jackson discuss apocalyptic fiction. Greenlight via Zoom, 4 p.m. EDT, free.
Dirk Wittenborn presents The Stone Girl with Richard E. Grant. The Center for Fiction via CrowdCast, 2 p.m. EDT, free.
Daniel Kehlmann presents You Should Have Left with David Koepp and John Williams. McNally Jackson via Zoom, 7 p.m. EDT, $20.
Meredith Talusan presents Fairest with Jennifer Finney Boylan. Facebook, 6 p.m. PDT, free.
Bethany C. Morrow presents A Song Below Water with Mark Oshiro. Skylight Books via Zoom, 6:30 p.m. PDT, free with RSVP.
Moyra Davey presents Index Cards: Selected Essays with Maggie Nelson. Community Bookstore via Zoom, 7:30 p.m. EDT, donation suggested.
Madeline Miller presents Circe. Books Are Magic via Zoom, 7 p.m. EDT, free.
Ashleigh Bryant Phillips presents Sleepovers and talks with Rion Amilcar Scott. The Ivy via Zoom, 6:30 p.m. EDT, free with RSVP.
Thursday 6/18: Nazlı Karabıyıkoğlu, R. Joseph Dazo, and translator John Bengan; Giovanna Cristina Vivinetto and translator Danielle Pieratti; and Jeffrey Angles join Words Without Borders and the Rally reading series for a multinational celebration of queer voices. Zoom, 7 p.m. EDT, free.
John Murillo joins the Readings by Writers series. Zoom, 5 p.m. PDT, free.
Joan E. Bauer, Stuart Sheppard, Michael Wurster, and Mike James join the Virtual Pittsburgh Poetry Exchange Reading. White Whale Bookstore via Zoom, 7 p.m. EDT, free with RSVP.
Gale Marie Thompson presents a virtual craft happy hour with The Writing Center. Zoom, 5 p.m. EDT, free with RSVP.
David Livingstone Smith presents On Inhumanity: Dehumanization and How to Resist It. Harvard Bookstore via CrowdCast, 7 p.m. EDT, $3 suggested.
Katherine Hill and René Steinke discuss A Short Move. Greenlight via Zoom, 7:30 p.m. EDT, free.
Francesca Marciano presents Animal Spirit. McNally Jackson via Zoom, 5 p.m. EDT, free.
Yuri Herrera talks with John Gibler about A Silent Fury: The El Bordo Mine Fire. Skylight Books via Zoom, 6:30 p.m. PDT, free with RSVP.
Friday 6/19: Damon Young and Deesha Philyaw discuss What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker: A Memoir in Essays. White Whale Bookstore via Zoom, 7 p.m. EDT, free with RSVP.
Martha McPhee presents An Elegant Woman. McNally Jackson via Zoom, 7 p.m. EDT, free.
Saturday 6/20: Doralee Brooks, Daniela Buccilli, and Wendy Scott Paff join the Laser Cat reading series. White Whale Bookstore via Zoom, 7 p.m. EDT, free with RSVP.
If you have a listing you’d like us to consider, please contact [email protected]. In the subject line of the email, please include the event’s date. Please include the virtual platform, time zone, and a link to the event information in the body of your email.
For past events, visit the Notable Online archives here.