Sales of antiracist books are surging at independent bookstores, with woke readers buying hundreds of books per day.
One Black-owned bookstore in Florida is selling out of books on race for the first time in thirty years.
Here is another list of Black-owned bookstores you can support right now. And another. And here is one as a map. And the biggest list yet.
Visit the online bookstore founded last year by a nine-year-old looking for more diverse books.
Writers are encouraging people to buy two books from Black authors this week to boost them to best-seller lists.
A Colorado bookstore stumbles in its response to Black Lives Matter protests.
An iconic bookstore and cafe in Delhi has closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. is still going strong, doing nearly $150,000 a day in sales and supporting independent booksellers across the country. (Visit The Rumpus’s storefront here.)
Check out how Minneapolis’s Boneshaker Books survived the COVID-19 lockdown.
A Greenwich Village, New York City bookstore pivots to phone recommendations.
The American Booksellers Association is focused on keeping bookstores open.
A Malaysian bookstore chain is shrinking its physical presence to expand online.