Our next Letter in the Mail comes from author Bonnie Chau! Bonnie sends us a handwritten letter about an unexpected trip to the Bay Area, the complicatedness of telling someone you love them, and the ways we do and don’t challenge ourselves.
To make sure Bonnie’s contemplative, personal letter finds its way to your mailbox, subscribe to Letters in the Mail by July 10! And remember, Letters in the Mail helps us keep The Rumpus running—so, you can correspond with your favorite writers and support the website in one fell swoop.
Bonnie Chau is from Southern California, where she ran writing programs at the nonprofit 826LA. She earned her MFA in fiction and translation from Columbia University, and has received fellowships from Kundiman, the American Literary Translators Association, Vermont Studio Center, and the Millay Colony. She is the author of the short story collection All Roads Lead to Blood, and her writing has appeared in Flaunt, The Offing, Joyland, Nat. Brut, The Felt, Two Lines, Fence, and other journals. She works at an independent bookstore in Brooklyn and is associate web editor at Poets & Writers.
Photograph of Bonnie Chau by John Casper.