Anthony Huerta Velasquez tries out the sounds and shapes of a new language while in South Korea, over at Hunger Mountain.
“What is a monument but a standing memory? An artifact to make tangible the truth of the past.” Caroline Randall Williams speaks the unflinching truth about the heritage of slavery at the New York Times.
Cory Albertson writes on gay marriage and different modes to love, be loved, and relate to one another, here at The Rumpus.
At Luna Luna, Patricia Grisafi writes about navigating fertility treatments and a miscarriage during the pandemic.
For The Missouri Review, Dionne Irving writes on her love of swimming and the weight of racial microaggressions.
For 3:AM Magazine, Iqbal Ahmed looks for peace in the high Himalayas of Kashmir.
Back at The Rumpus, Anna Held looks for herself in the bodies of the women in her family.
Logo art by Max Winter.