Our next Letter in the Mail comes from poet Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers! Elizabeth writes to us during “those slightly mean-feeling, early-ish hours of the morning where the world doesn’t quite feel real,” and shares her experiences of new motherhood and why it’s changed how she perceives time itself.
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Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers is the author of two poetry collections: Chord Box (University of Arkansas Press, 2013), finalist for the Lambda Literary Award; and The Tilt Torn Away from the Seasons (Acre Books-Cincinnati Review, forthcoming, 2020). Poems appear in Boston Review, The Missouri Review, The Rumpus, FIELD, Crazyhorse, Shenandoah, and elsewhere. Her essays can be found in Best American Nonrequired Reading, Best American Travel Writing, The Missouri Review, The Rumpus, and other journals. A former Kenyon Review Fellow, she lives in Washington, DC.