Committed as ever to guiding the literary conversation towards a greater inclusivity of aesthetic, subject, and context, The Rumpus is pleased to announce Leena Soman Navani and Noah Baldino as the new Poetry Book Reviews Editors.
We hope to welcome a more robust and inclusive roster of reviewers, and to further clarify the section’s purpose while building on the efforts of previous editors to champion work by both emerging and established poets.
Stewardship to the literary community means stewardship to the entire community; while we’re interested in reviews from the big and small presses and in covering highly anticipated collections from any range of writers, we’re also eager to publish reviews for chapbooks and works from micropresses. We’re excited, too, to consider reviews that challenge or experiment with the traditional book-review form, that welcome the “I” and a reader’s personal relationship to a text, and that engage with the form beyond our own imaginations.
If you’d like to establish a relationship with The Rumpus as a poetry reviewer, get in touch with Leena and Noah at leena AT therumpus.net and/or noah AT therumpus.net and please include a link to a recently published review or a writing sample.
You can view our updated submission guidelines and submit reviews here, through The Rumpus’s submission manager powered by Submittable.
As always, publishers seeking to submit finished books for review consideration should not use this Submittable account. Instead, please send a description of the book to senior poetry editor Brian Spears at [email protected].
We look forward to working with you!
Rumpus original art by Dmitry Samarov.