For The Walrus, Viviane Fairbank takes a hard look at the power of fact-checking in a world that no longer values facts.
“But queer business casual, a concept that both mortified and engrossed me, seemed only to exist in the world of rich gays.” At Catapult, Edgar Gomez gets a window into what his coworkers really think while passing as straight at work.
Chris McCormick explores the ways we connect with troubled history here at The Rumpus in our new column, We Are More.
For Grist, Alizabeth Worley contemplates the barriers and connections offered by skin.
“Building muscle memory and a reference point for different tastes were ways I could hold onto my mom and by extension, my Chinese culture.” Nicole Zhu builds connections to her mother’s culture by learning to cook Chinese staples, over at Electric Literature.
At The Believer, Laura Marris writes on survival, space, and tiny bear-shaped organisms.
Logo art by Max Winter.