That’s What She Said
sorry, I’m so sorry
the migraine is ripe & yellow as a mango
I shot out like a lizard’s tongue in the church of deadlines
the caulk broke due to an infinite, unnamable leak
the leak produced mold as a free economic zone
lorem ipsum dolor
to hold meaningless until great distress
my apologies there were so many
emails excuse me
I wanted to
I had every intention
to make the spine twisting like a stair
confess its termites
does that make sense, let me know if you need me to
have any questions openly ended
there has been an explosion in my calf or labia
sorry I meant calendar
I was under it
dictionary, radical helmet, the wind gossip whips
up in the bamboos, imminent derelictions saved as PDFs
I have attached everything, resent
all my high resolutions
please eat or can/did
the grin of the washing machine’s
facial recognition software, tomorrow/some time I will
be hearted & whetting, having successfully
delayed the onset of symptoms, glued
my bulb of pheromones in these Baltic years of our landlord
pleased for your consideration, thank
you from & apologies once
more with the butane sincerity of the bottomest for
the inconvenience, this skin
flaming like a horn
Photograph of Cynthia Dewi Oka by Jose Quintana.