At Guernica, Aube Rey Lescure experiences freedom and terror on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail.
At Hazlitt, Brin-Jonathan Butler spins out an examination of the movie The Passenger alongside a dense study of writing, travel, isolation, and suicide.
“The world, it was turning out, was a lot more bisexual than I thought, but it didn’t want anyone but me to know.” Seth Fischer writes on the struggle to be public about his bisexuality here at The Rumpus.
Sara Quinn Rivara digs for joy in a world that seems tenuous at pidgeonholes.
At Granta, Amanda Lee Koe writes on making a local friend before life, and the neighborhood, change.
Back at The Rumpus, Angie Romines writes on apple cultivation and the branches of her family tree.
Logo art by Max Winter.