Cottonwood Books, the last remaining independent bookstore in Baton Rouge, is currently for sale.
Now you can get drunk on Powell’s Books-flavored beer. Don’t pretend this wasn’t inevitable (or did you forget they also released a cologne last year?).
France is looking to protect independent bookstores from Amazon by mandating a minimum delivery fee.
The drastic measures needed to save the publishing industry might not be great for booksellers.
Vox explains the supply chain issues that are bound to get worse.
Shipping rates are going way up, too.
Tokyo’s secondhand bookstore district has been hit hard by the pandemic.
Pet-lovers have a new destination in Manhanttan’s East Village where animals greet them at the door of Pillow-Cat Books.
The Bottom opens in Knoxville, TN; Neighborhood Books opens in Presque Isle, ME; and Porter Square Books is opening a new branch in Boston, MA.
Publishers Weekly spotlights The Dog Eared Book in Palmyra, New York.
China’s latest ambitious project will renovate unused buildings into stunning bookstore destinations.
Raven Book Store invested heavily in online orders during the pandemic, and now is expanding.
Check out these fourteen bookstores in the Columbus, OH, area.
Sales of ebooks are down as bookstores return to life.
A Peoria, IL, bookstore thought to be haunted begins to hunt for ghosts.
A venture capitalist is planning to open new indie bookstore P&T Knitwear on Manhattan’s Lower East Side next year.