Our next Letter for Kids comes from author Tracy C. Gold! Tracy sends us a photo-filled letter about her love for animals, and the ones she’s seen around her neighborhood park.
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Tracy C. Gold loves bringing characters to life. She is a writer, freelance editor, and mom living in Baltimore, Maryland. Two of her picture books were published in 2021: Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby from Familius in March, and Trick or Treat, Bugs to Eat from Sourcebooks in August. She also writes short stories, essays, novels, and poems. Her work has been published in several magazines and anthologies. Tracy earned her MFA. in Creative Writing and Publishing Arts at the University of Baltimore and earned her BA in English from Duke University. When she’s not writing or editing, she’s playing with her toddler, or hanging out with her horse and dog, both rescues. You can find out more about Tracy at tracycgold.com, by following her on Twitter and Instagram at @tracycgold, or by liking her Facebook page.
Photograph of Tracy C. Gold by Ruut DeMeo.