Vivian Blaxell goes on a head-spinning tour of whirling dervishes, psychotropics, interdimensionality, mirrored selves, and the bridge between life and death at The Believer.
Through age and illness, Gina Frangello writes on accepting the reality of never going back for Psychology Today.
Here at The Rumpus, Ariél M. Martinez experiences the otherworldly awe of grief through a trip to the aquarium.
At Gulf Stream magazine, Rose Strode spends a lone moment in the Appalachians dealing with grief and regret.
Yael Hacohen writes about her time with the Israeli army at The Missouri Review.
Ofelia Montelongo writes on the pride and fear of gaining citizenship during an unfriendly administration back at The Rumpus.
“When my mother died, I had the unsettling and panicked feeling that I had been cut loose from the earth somehow, like a helium balloon floating untethered.” After loss, Leanne Phillips continues trying to grow what her mother grew at Persimmon Tree.