The Woman Who Borrowed Memories: Selected Stories
by Tove Jansson (NYRB Classics, 2014)

Emily Webber is a reader of all the things hiding out in South Florida with her husband and son. A writer of criticism, fiction, and nonfiction, her work has appeared in the Ploughshares Blog, The Writer, Five Points, Split Lip Magazine, Necessary Fiction, and elsewhere. She’s the author of a chapbook of flash fiction, Macerated. Read more at
Rachel Luria is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean at Florida Atlantic University’s Wilkes Honors College. In June 2023, she was the Emerging Writer in Fiction Fellow at the Lighthouse Writers Workshop Litfest. She was named a winner of Uncharted Magazine’s 2023 Novel Excerpt Prize and her nonfiction was named a Notable Essay of 2015 by the editors of Best American Essays. Her work has appeared in Arts & Letters, CRAFT, The Normal School, Phoebe, Dash Literary Journal, and others.
Beverly Luria has been an artist and illustrator for as long as she can remember. She is a retired librarian and loves having the time to work on illustrations and collage. She enjoys learning and growing through classes, workshops, and working with writers. Her computer skills have grown; however, she still prefers to put hand to paper. Her illustrations for short stories have been published in Stories for Children, she has been a member of the Society for Children’s Book Illustrators and Writers,and her comics have appeared in The Florida Review and The Normal School.