Comics Rumpus Comics TRUTH SERUM: I Wish A Poem I LoveOctober 7, 2009 Yay! Truth Serum is several books! Buy one and maybe you’ll finally be happy!Read
Comics Rumpus Comics TRUTH SERUM: Obligations (Part 2) A Poem I LoveSeptember 30, 2009 Truth Serum books for people who hate trees.Read
Comics Rumpus Comics TRUTH SERUM: Obligations (Part 1) A Poem I LoveSeptember 23, 2009 Buy Truth Serum books, single-handedly save America!Read
Comics Rumpus Comics TRUTH SERUM: Two Times the Dysfunction (Part 3) A Poem I LoveSeptember 16, 2009 Truth Serum books, and if you don’t want those, postcards with vaginas.Read
Comics Rumpus Comics TRUTH SERUM: Two Times the Dysfunction (Part 2) A Poem I LoveSeptember 9, 2009 Truth Serum books. Three of them.Read
Comics Rumpus Comics TRUTH SERUM:Two Times the Dysfunction (Part 1) A Poem I LoveSeptember 2, 2009 Truth Serum in book form. Sleep with it under your pillow or make out with it when you’re drunk.Read
Comics Rumpus Comics TRUTH SERUM: Making the Most of It A Poem I LoveAugust 26, 2009 This and more in book form.Read
Comics Rumpus Comics TRUTH SERUM: Sweating the Details A Poem I LoveAugust 19, 2009 Truth Serum books help Jon Adams eat.Read
Comics Rumpus Comics TRUTH SERUM:Online Disconnection A Poem I LoveAugust 12, 2009 Truth Serum books (big commitment). Truth Serum on Facebook (small commitment).Read
Comics Rumpus Comics TRUTH SERUM: Double Bubble A Poem I LoveAugust 5, 2009 Truth Serum books, if you aren’t Ted Wilson.Read
Comics TRUTH SERUM: Too Close for Comfort (Part 2) A Poem I LoveJuly 29, 2009 Like this? Like it more.Read