Alison Stine's debut novel Road Out of Winter was published by MIRA Books (HarperCollins) in September 2020. She is also the author of five other books of poetry and short fiction, including Ohio Violence. An NEA Fellow and former Wallace Stegner Fellow, she works as a freelance journalist and is partially deaf.
A sharp appraisal of the myriad forms of unpaid emotional labor that women do in our world by Jess Zimmerman, over at The Toast: Imagine a menu of emotional labor: Acknowledge…
If someone asked to me to sum up what is great about my country, I would probably tell them about Apollo 11, about the four hundred thousand people who worked…
Type is the same, instance after instance, and the font you choose today will look the same when you type in it again tomorrow. The same is not true for…
The New Inquiry has a smart analysis of fan fiction that examines its workings as a literary genre and as a form of reorienting, affecting, and queering a text: It announces a…
I have heard writers take a stand that they are above Twitter and Instagram, superior for not participating in social media. It’s true the self-promotion feels inauthentic and tacky, but…
On the eve of a new biopic and on the long tail of posthumous publishing and popularization—Christian Lorentzen takes a long, compassionate, critical look at David Foster Wallace and on the ways…
The American imagination has never been able to fully recover from its white-supremacist beginnings. Consequently, our laws and attitudes have been straining against the devaluation of the black body. Despite…
Sarcasm on the Internet—you know it when you see it. But how? Without the conversational aids of our best deadpan voices or our fingers as scare quotes, we use all…
Remember the literary packaging that Jonathan Safran Foer developed with Chipotle? Well, someone at Yale has decided it’s worth holding onto—the Beinecke Rare Book Library will soon add a complete…
A new, work-in-progress database of contemporary writers of color created by Durga Chew-Bose, Jazmine Hughes, Vijith Assar, and Buster Bylander aims “to create more visibility for writers of color, ease their…