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Anna Leigh Knowles
1 post
Anna Leigh Knowles is from Littleton, Colorado. She received an MFA from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and a BA from University of Colorado-Denver. Her poetry and nonfiction can be seen in Blackbird, Salt Hill (finalist for the Philip Booth Poetry Prize), Pleiades, Tin House online, Indiana Review, The Missouri Review online, storySouth, RHINO, Memorious, Poetry Northwest, Sou'wester, and Thrush Poetry Journal. She received scholarships from the Bear River Writer's Conference, New Harmony Writer's Workshop, the San Miguel de Allende Writers' Conference, a Female Leadership Residency at Omega Institution, and two honorable mentions from the Academy of American Poets. She has worked as an assistant editor for Copper Nickel and Crab Orchard Review. She currently lives and teaches in Quito. For more information please visit