Born and raised in the Midwest, Caitlin Cowan’s poetry, fiction, and nonfiction have appeared in New Ohio Review, Pleiades, Missouri Review, THRUSH Poetry Journal, Denver Quarterly, SmokeLong Quarterly, Rappahannock Review, and elsewhere. A finalist for the Akron Prize, Levis Prize, and Wheeler Prize in Poetry, she has won the Littoral Press Poetry Prize, the Ron McFarland Prize for Poetry, the Mississippi Review Prize, and an Avery Hopwood Award. Her work has also received support from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and the Vermont Studio Center. She holds a PhD in English and has taught writing at the University of North Texas, Texas Woman’s University, and Interlochen Center for the Arts. She serves as an Associate Poetry Editor for Poets Reading the News and works, travels, and teaches for Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp in Twin Lake, Michigan. Find her at