Camonghne Felix, poet and essayist, is the author of Build Yourself a Boat, which was long-listed for the 2019 National Book Award in Poetry, shortlisted for the PEN/Open Book Awards, and shortlisted for the Lambda Literary Award. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Academy of American Poets, Freeman’s, Harvard Review, LitHub, The New Yorker, PEN America, Poetry Magazine, and elsewhere. Her essays have been featured in Vanity Fair, New York Magazine, Teen Vogue and other places. Felix's next book, Dyscalculia: A Love Story of Epic Miscalculation, is forthcoming in February 2023.
Visual artist and writer Peter Witte examines beauty and violence in nature, and how sometimes it might be better to not tell everyone around you what you're seeing or thinking because it might turn out that they don't want to see or hear it.
Visual artist and writer Peter Witte is unsure whether the killing of a sentient being is problematic, but he wishes that bacon, one of his favorite foods, could exist without all the suffering.