Carrie Chappell is originally from Birmingham, Alabama. She received her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of New Orleans’ Creative Writing Workshop. Her poetry has appeared in Anastamos, Blue Mesa Review, CALAMITY, Cimarron Review, Cream City Review, FORTH Magazine, Harpur Palate, Juked, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, and The Volta. Her essays have been published in The Collagist, Diagram, FANZINE, The Iowa Review, Xavier Review, and Buried Letter Press. Each April she curates the Verse of April project, a digital anthology of homage to the poets. Currently, she serves as Poetry Editor for Sundog Lit and lives in Paris, France.
“Someday they’ll say Bukowski knew. Lay down for three of four days to get your juices back—then get up, look around and do it… But who the hell can do…
At The Boston Phoenix, Rumpus contributor Thomas Page McBee writes about undergoing his own transition while making sense of the many public stories of transgender people that also occurred throughout…
At The New York Times, David Carr takes a closer look at the blend of business, journalism and software that characterizes Brooklyn-based multimedia storytelling platform-cum-publisher, The Atavist. “Part of the…
“Some barriers aren’t as impermeable as we think. Telling a story on a page and telling a story against a backing track certainly are different, but they’re not irreconcilable.” The…
Recommended Reading, Electric Literature’s free digital magazine, has been released! The inaugural story comes from Ben Marcus. “If my mother knew that she only needed to survive for just under…
“Recent research and reports on violence against transgender women have found that, in 2010, 44 percent of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and HIV-affected hate-crime murder victims were trans women. In…
At Full Stop, Stephanie Bernhard weighs in on the literary gender imbalance, arguing that today’s literary marketplace is “identity-driven,” which makes it more difficult for women writers to succeed. “Our…
KCRW talks with Adam Levin about his latest collection of short stories, Hot Pink, behaviorism, the Marx brothers, strange sentences, and his affinity for big drama without sappiness. (Via Electric…
Randy Packs are “hand drawn improbable sex-act trading cards.” Each card is the work of a different artist, who, after being assigned an improbable sex-act, drew a non-explicit representation of…
Rumpus artist Jason Novak continues his Paris Review literary panoramas with a new, ten-foot-tall panel illustration of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables.
Episode 70 of Brad Listi’s Other People podcast features Emily St. John Mandel. Mandel discusses the genesis of her new novel, The Lola Quartet (which was our April Rumpus Book…
Artist Takeshi Miyakawa’s public art installation was meant to be a city-wide tribute to New York. Strangely, the project, which involved hanging illuminated plastic bags with the ‘I ♥ NY’…