Dan Weiss is a professional bookseller, amateur dilettante. He writes and plays in the band The Yellow Dress. He firmly believes that everything is going to be okay.
The fascinating tale of the philanthropist art forger. I can’t believe I didn’t lead with “new biggest ever dinosaur“. Congratulations pink fair armadillo, you are the most absurd animal. Never…
On the one hand we live in a society of crushing patriarchy and male privilege, on the other hand men are way more likely to get killed by sharks. Archerfish,…
I’m temporarily moving across the country and will consequently be offline the next two days. I’ll see you guys again on Monday morning, it’s going to be ok.
Actually there were hella female vikings. On the science of phantom traffic jams. Siphonophores are super weird you guys. We aren’t taking enough vacations, what is our problem? And now…
There are a lot of things I like in the world but two of them are bioluminesence and Soviet children’s book design. Remember that time the US trained Alaskan fisherman…
I imagine you’ve already seen Miranda July’s new Somebody app, but you should really get on it so I have people to message. Your belly button is a complex ecosystem.…
We’ve solved the mystery of Death Valley’s sailing stones (which was a thing I guess). Very important brainwashing breakthrough. There is no good reason for schools to start so early…
Stop the presses: there is a new wooliest sheep. A short guide to the ruins of NYC. Why do your fingernails grow so much faster than your toenails? (Spoiler alert:…
Here be (centuries old european) monsters. This is what two years has done to the Curiosity Rover. We all need Norwegian installation art from time to time. By the way…
Argentine ants have colonized the world. Hey look, an even more earth-like, possibly hospitable planet. Meanwhile, in corporate science: now Disney can turn anything into a top. So, how DO…
Important Friday fact: there is poop on the moon. Actually seals probably brought TB to the Americas. Who want to go to the Ai Pioppi Playground with me? Americana sweetspot:…
Drop everything and watch this 1965 Soviet documentary about lunar colonization. Without going too far, Soviet Ghosts is your ruin porn/photo essay for the whatever. Important nightmare news: cities are…