Dan Weiss is a professional bookseller, amateur dilettante. He writes and plays in the band The Yellow Dress. He firmly believes that everything is going to be okay.
There is a good chance that you would like to know more about ricin today. The Offshore Freeway and other visions of the Los Angeles that could have been. It’s…
This just in: Tetris is the best. Leonardo da Vinci applies for a job. Perhaps you’d like some 1970s science textbook design today. Not sleeping with your cousin is very…
Today seems like a day when everyone could use a baby hippo. WWI era infographics. Finland has won the coolest passport contest. Vintage speakeasy cards (are also a neat thing).…
Welcome to the age of Google Death. The idea of the shadow biosphere is my favorite concept of the day. Hey, so, maybe Soviet balloons saw rain on Venus. It…
An Iranian scientist has (maybe) created a (sort of) time machine. Let’s all explore the world through it’s lowest currencies. Alternatively: the world’s librarians pick their countries best children’s books.…
This week in seemingly horrible places to call home: Johannesburg’s Ponte Tower and the underground homeless suburb of Kansas City. Creepy White Guys is your (dispiriting, insightful and hilarious) tumblr…
Today seems like a good day to discuss density, cities, and human geography (and infographics). Your blood loves the taste of chocolate. Werner Freund is your badass human being of…
Happy Monday, here is a baby bat. It is our duty, as Americans, to lasso an asteroid and park it near the moon. Elsewhere in the (occasionally dystopian) future being…
I know this isn’t normally the place for these sorts of things, but I just can’t stop thinking about Roger Ebert. Elsewhere: clearly what robots are best for is finding…
Hey, so, how far is it to Mars? News update: abandoned theme parks still look rad. Here are some pictures of malformed human brains in jars. We are totally wrong…