Jeff O'Keefe Jeff O'Keefe's fiction has appeared in New England Review, Epoch, Swink and elsewhere. He works in advertising and teaches fiction writing at Stanford University.
Perhaps you are wondering what the proper protocol is when looking for a yeti in the 50s. Have y’all been following the constitutional goings on in Iceland these days? I…
I hope y’all are ready for transparent skin. 1970s art manifesto houses! Attention: outer space has way too much junk in it’s outer space trunk. Seriously dudes, soviet-era art and…
Welcome to the world 7th billion person! Early 70s Cuban stamps are pretty great. Here are some things you can do with typewriters. 100 year old colored photographs of Russian…
I’ve been all about Soviet-era design lately, this is a fact. Skinks wish they could do it with way more things than they can. Sea energy harvesters are pretty fascinating.…
As it turns out, construction in LA used to be a lot more visually stunning. What’s up planet made of diamonds? Way to be 100 neon lights! The internet loves…
Evidently there was some news about Steve Jobs this week or something, but more importantly maybe his patents don’t count because of Stanley Kubrick. Someday I’ll stop linking to pictures…
Looks like it’s time for another T(h)rivial Thursday! Perhaps you have wondered about the fake vomit industry? The main point of this article is that scientists are nerds. Full-on authentic…
Start things off classy with vintage feminine hygiene product ads. Anyone want to take a road trip up the glass beach with me? Elephants understand. Invasive species gardening as contemporary…
While we weren’t looking the Russians totally beat us at the most important part of the space race. Speaking of: totally 80s Soviet propaganda. Let’s all take a moment to…
The future is now #5086: French airport holograms! Google Street View is mapping the Amazon. Sad new aerodrome fans. Dogs totally know that you have cancer. As it turns out,…