Jeff O'Keefe Jeff O'Keefe's fiction has appeared in New England Review, Epoch, Swink and elsewhere. He works in advertising and teaches fiction writing at Stanford University.
Snow frogs are a thing. FIRE! Bad news: the last typewriter factory in the world just shut down. Worse news: warm oceans create even more CO2 than we’d thought. Good…
Note: don’t get your murders tattooed on your body before you’ve been convicted. DON-8R: if there is a better way to raise money I haven’t seen it. Esoteric Geometry! 50’s…
Important: meet the coolest dude who ever lived. Friday is a good day to watch the old Model T assembly line in action. Old pictures of LA are some of…
Way to go fuel efficiency! We aren’t the only ones born that way. News story: old maps are pretty cool. Chicago jellyfish! Also here is an abandoned house in Belgium.
Letters of Note on Einstein’s one great mistake. Iranian kids books are pretty great, can we agree on this? The internet exists so I can spend all day listening to…
Bad news dudes, medicine doesn’t work in space. All your T.S. Eliot picture needs. Russian underwater creatures are even cooler Water towers of Ireland. (Because, really, why not?) Anthropomorphic koalas…
I have to admit these bitter Borders songs are pretty great. 1,000 Polish book covers (a selection). 50 Watts has kindly rounded up a month’s worth of exceptional posts on…
Lakes used to be THE place to be. Roger Ebert’s TED talk makes me feel worthwhile for spending my day on the internet. Llama font makes me feel really guilty…
There is maybe a vague theme today. As global temperatures rise, this may be a good time to think about the future of Antarctica. Let’s all check out this flapper’s…
What happens when a space shuttle is retired? (It gives me good reason to link to pictures from the NASA archives is what.) Fun fact: the Peabody museum is a…
The god who demands you make this is a god I can get behind. South Koreans have some rad ideas about bike storage innovation. What it took to get into…