Jeff O'Keefe Jeff O'Keefe's fiction has appeared in New England Review, Epoch, Swink and elsewhere. He works in advertising and teaches fiction writing at Stanford University.
What is life but a mysterious Cold War number station? Guess what? Banning Alt-Right trolls on Reddit worked! Here’s your beautiful metro station photography for the day. Someone solved the…
As storms rage, take a moment too appreciate Florida: the paradise that never should have been. Here comes a little bit of mars up in Tibetan Plateau. Let’s all take…
Understanding Irma (sure feels like the Earth is dying right now). I’m sure you’ve already read it, but you should read Ta-Nehesi Coates’ new essay The First White President. But…
Hey look! New, boron-based, life on Mars news. Inside Texas’s the Orange Show. Very little makes sense about the auroras of Jupiter. NEWS: There are some nice places that aren’t there…
Remebering America’s lost buildings. Important Canadian blob news. The secret history of FEMA Here are your Japanese beauty parlor and barbershop pictures for the day. Don’t worry, we found the…
If DACA actually ends today, here’s what the recipients need to know. On the archaeology of space junk. Whatever happened to speculation in architecture? (Really great and important illustrations here.)…
On the strange and terrifying future Harvey portends. Let’s all take a deep dive into the world of the hotel hacker. Don’t worry, there are epic Paris wine heists to…
Today seems like a good day for an intimate history of Antifa. Very important plesiosaur news. Guess who’s back? This mysterious monkey is back! Look at this dang crab too!…
The agony of deciding whether or not to evacuate. Everyone loves a Venus probe. So much American road trip photography. There is always time for unbuilt NYC. A visual history…
If you have the resources, today would be a great day to donate to the American Red Cross. Speaking of: understanding what made Houston so vulnerable. Meet Florence, the giant…
Give a moment of your day to think of Charles Bentley, one of the last great Arctic explorers. Here are all of the ghost building photos you could possibly want…
I Heart Soviet Mind Control. As always, perhaps the solution is astronaut pee and sweat. Here come the Buddhist funeral robots. Kurosawa on Tarkovsky. An infographic of the far future…