Jill Talbot is the author of Loaded: Women and Addiction, co-editor of The Art of Friction: Where (Non)Fictions Come Together, and the editor of Metawritings: Toward a Theory of Nonfiction. Her essays have appeared in or are forthcoming from Brevity, DIAGRAM, Ecotone, The Normal School, Passages North, The Paris Review Daily, The Pinch, Seneca Review, and more. Her memoir, The Way We Weren't, will be published by Counterpoint/Soft Skull in Summer 2015.
Justin Lawrence Daugherty lives in Atlanta, where he runs Sundog Lit and co-founded Jellyfish Highway Press. He also edits Cartridge Lit and New South Journal. His essays have appear at The Normal School and Barrelhouse, and other work appears in Whiskey Island, Hobart, Gigantic Sequins, and elsewhere.
Their first collaboration, "On Writing, Like Lust" was published in Pithead Chapel.