Jonathan Harper is the author of the short story collection, Daydreamers (Lethe Press, March 2015), which is a Kirkus’ Indie Book of the Month Selection. His writing has appeared in such places as The Nervous Breakdown, Big Lucks, Chelsea Station and in numerous anthologies.
Visit him online at
Lots of tweets and texts and facebook updates may actually encourage more in-depth analysis. Tablets schmablets. Americans really just want more smartphones and TVs. Is RSS dying? Yeah, right. Police…
Apple support company sues customer for complaining. China wants to be a leader in innovation. One strategy: Trying to drastically increase the number of patents it holds. Goldman Sachs just…
A great breakdown of how much each tech company spends on lobbying and for what. Trying to explain to Mom or Granddad for the 100th time how to upload videos…
It’s a day for (hopefully productive) outrage. The FCC is meeting today to discuss net neutrality regulations. If you use the Internet, you should probably be paying attention. Speaking of…
Smartphones users skew male among 15-24 year olds everywhere . . . but the US. Yeah, yeah, Gawker (& deviantART & McDonald’s . . .) users got hacked. This guy explains…
Microsoft to throw their hat, I mean, tablet into the ring. Aggregations of daily minutiae like status updates into larger trends = weirdly irresistible. A facebook intern has posted a striking image that…
Chatroulette was more popular than the iPad and Justin Beiber, who woulda thunk? Google visualizes a year in search. Someone is now selling the Wikileaks cables on Amazon. Reviewers are pissed.…
Rumor has it the iPad 2 is coming in February. Google expands into yet another underserved sector: eBooks. And shows off a new tablet prototype. Facebook changed their profile page again.…
Wikileaks witch-hunt: Lieberman wants new legislation targeting it, and Amazon & are being big cowards about the site. Silver lining: At least Wikileaks has cool new digs. Potentially terrifying…
Today’s tech links left me with some questions: Does the Internet need more benevolent editors or should the would-be experts pipe down and let the crowd speak for itself? Everyone’s wondering: Is…
Research confirms the obvious: people with more money use tech differently than those with less. There is now an open-source alternative to facebook. Choose to have your house blurred in…
If you have an i-device, you may care that the new iOS is out today. Tigers and panthers and snow leopards, oh my! They’re all dying out. Should Apple help?…