Posts by author
The Rumpus
1661 posts
Horn! Reviews
HORN! REVIEWS: Celebrity Chekhov Another fantastic Rumpus Comic from Kevin Thomas.
The Monthly Rumpus: January
The Rumpus Proudly Presents: “Warm Bodies, Cold Nights” January 10th at The Make-Out Room, 3225 22nd Street, 7pm CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS Featuring authors Derrick Brown, Bucky Sinister, Andrew…
Readers Report Back From… Family/Holidays
In the spirit of holiday and family, please enjoy our festive, sad, and maybe even twisted selection of Rumpus readers’ takes on the season. Edited by Susan Clements.
Five Mini-Interviews from The Rumpus
We at The Rumpus get bored with reading the same old interviews with the same old people. So, every now and again we like to publish “mini-interviews,” our readers talking with…