Posts by author
The Rumpus
1661 posts
ENOUGH: Three Poems on the Domestic
I never saw the current raging beneath / a rip tide of blood that boils without warning, / melting the 24-carat gold / into pools of nightmares
from You Are Here: Poetry in the Natural World
The Rumpus, in partnership with Milkweed Editions, is pleased to preview this anthology with poems from Paul Tran, Cecily Parks, and Erika Meitner.
Beyond the Page: We Are Not Numbers
Highlighting creative work in partnership with other mission-driven literary organizations, with a specific focus on nonprofit institutions and collectives invested in social justice and human rights.
February Spotlight: Letters in the Mail
February letters from Venita Blackburn and Marisa Crawford!
The Rumpus’s Most Anticipated Books of (early) 2024
Our editors share some of our most anticipated books coming out during the first few months of the new year.
January Spotlight: Letters in the Mail
Letters in the Mail from Claudia Acevedo-Quiñones and Julia Fine!
What to Read When: The Most Beautiful Books of 2023
Another year of judging books by their covers <3