Everyone who’s been able to light their water on fire when gas companies started fracturing shale to get to natural gas just said “No shit, EPA.” NASA scientists announced that…
I woke up yesterday, saw that the temperature outside was 36 degrees and thought “that’s not so bad.” I think I’m adjusting to the idea of winter, though it’s still…
We are no fans of Amazon here at The Rumpus. When we link to books we review, we link to small publisher websites or spdbooks.org or Powell’s. We’ve written about…
Has CERN found the Higgs Boson? If I actually drank mixed drinks, I might be more interested in this story about the physics of mixology. But I like the flavor…
So two days ago, I walked to work in the snow. Flurries–it didn’t stick except on the grass in the shade–but snow nonetheless, enough for my 8-year old self living…
I like Balloon Juice blogger mistermix’s take on last night’s eviction of the LA Occupiers. “There was a chance that cold weather in the North, and general boredom in the…
HYbrid cars not only save gas–they’re safer too. Suck on that, SUVs. So this can potentially help you learn more effectively. But can it help me write better poems? Watch…
Happy Saturday. I hear the hot new seasoning for food this year is some kind of spray-on pepper. I’ll be looking for it in my local market. How does the…
Start with Juan Cole, who specializes in this area. He has a good list of links to Arab news sources and gives a well-rounded look at what’s happening right now…