J Smooth of Ill Doctrine breaks down the big thing Occupy Wall Street is doing–identifying the ringers in the 3-card monte game. Seems like the efforts to demonize Occupy Wall…
Naomi Wolf tells her story of her arrest at Occupy Wall Street. If you work for NPR, don’t speak publicly about your politics, or you’ll lose your job. So much…
Remember that NYPD deputy commander who pepper-sprayed protesters for apparently no reason at all? He’s facing disciplinary charges which could result in him losing 10 whole vacation days. The Guardian…
The Occupy Wall Street protests enter their second month, and have started to garner a lot more media attention. One of the people responsible for that attention is NYPD Deputy…
Saturdays may belong to me, but today I belong to Occupy Des Moines. We’re marching to the Wells Fargo building this morning, located at 666 Walnut St. Not making that…
Yesterday, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg informed the protesters in Zuccotti Park that they would be evicted this morning at 7 AM so the park could be cleaned. The…
Tomas Transtomer, that is, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Blackbird, an online journal, has his 1996 book, Sorrow Gondola, available on their website at the link above. The…
Seriously, what the hell? Via Feministing, this is one of the more disturbing stories I’ve come across. Topeka County said is couldn’t afford to prosecute domestic battery cases, so they…
Forensic DNA databases could make the problem of racial disparities in law enforcement even worse. First images of interstellar turbulence. Pass the dramamine. I really like this take on the…
Cider hangovers are nothing to joke about. Just thought you should know. A suggestion for intelligence agencies everywhere: next time you get the brilliant idea to use vaccination programs as…
The Ig Nobel Prizes have been awarded, and they’re awesome as usual. Say goodbye to Tevatron. New data on Mercury, and some great images too. Some background on the Italian…
I’ve begun the task of getting actual winter clothes for the first time in my life. It’s funny to watch, I imagine. I walk into a store and don’t even…