If you want to follow the oil-cano story, The New Orleans Times-Picayune is a good place to start. Mac McClelland is also on the ground and tweeting about it. Mount…
Harvey Milk should be celebrating his 80th birthday today. He can’t, but GLBT activists and their allies are going to. “The creation of the first official day of recognition for…
Picked up a brand new MacBook yesterday morning. Let’s see how it handles. Joshua Baldwin goes to Chinatown and finds some interesting things on the menu. To no one’s surprise,…
Austin Kleon’s Newspaper Blackout site (along the same lines as his book) is worth checking out. He’s also a more than fair Twitterer. Via Harriet, Andrea Lingenfelter talks about “teaching…
Take a look at the next-generation supercars competing for the $10 million Progressive Automotive X Prize. Every thing that has ever lived on this planet probably evolved from a single-celled…
I’m learning how to make books this afternoon–sew them by hand and all that. No telling where that may lead. In the meantime, here’s some non-tree reading for you. To…
Tara Betts found herself attacked by a particularly ignorant political blogger named Debbie Schlussel over her class at UrbanWordNYC. Betts’s response is elegant, measured, and powerful, everything the attack was…
Elissa Bassist, editor/curator of The Rumpus’s Funny Women series (submission guidelines here) is a new contributor to Salon’s Broadsheet. Her first offering is titled “Sleep Your Way to a Book…
Eyjafjallajökull–remember that?–is erupting again. Wonder what the US space program has in mind? Here’s one look at it. Have you ever wanted to hunt Burmese Pythons? Come to Florida. I…
Good morning. Let’s see what the tubes have for us today. Over at Harper’s, Mr. Fish adds to the Arizona immigration debate. Mother Jones explores the world of H-2A guest…
Joe Lieberman is introducing something he calls the Terrorist Expatriation Act–TEA Act for short, though the redundancy seems lost on them–which would make it possible for the State Department to…