Barbara Jane Reyes has a good response to the New Yorker article on MFA programs I posted earlier. At Harriet, Don Share takes on poetry reviews, even though he’s tired…
King Kaufman is one of my favorite sports columnists ever, and it killed me when Salon changed his job description. But this isn’t about sports. It’s about the future of…
What do you get when you splice together burlesque queens, 50’s sci-fi, and other bits of film that were never properly copyrighted? You get the first blue/green film–green because it’s…
I’ll hazard a guess and say that the majority of people who contribute to and work on the Rumpus have some sort of writing degree or are pursuing one, and…
Novelist Orhan Pamuk asks in The Guardian “why do beautiful scenes inspire us to kiss?” Millions of people who live outside the west – and especially those who, like me,…
Because it’s Saturday, and because at heart I’m a child, Who Pooped? It’s hard to say just how super they are, but there are superheroes roaming around. I wonder if…
The New Haven Review has an interview with David Orr, including Orr’s take on the spitting match between him and Dana Goodyear a couple of years ago. Poetry is on…
It was a good week for us here at The Rumpus. Ryan Boudinot reminisced about Spinal Tap, Peter Orner told us we are all Lizzie Borden, Stephen Elliott gave us…
Dr. Wolfgang Enard, head of a team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, announced that genetically engineered mice who have had their FOXP2…